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Book Events

Power Concedes Nothing book cover

Power Concedes Nothing: How Grassroots Organizing Wins Elections

Edited by Linda Burnham, Max Elbaum, and Maria Poblet

Additional Resources:

Past Events – Watch/Listen to the Recordings!

Change a State and Shock the Nation: Lessons from Georgia

Speakers: Cliff Albright, Black Voters Matter; Nsé Ufot, New Georgia Project; Beth Howard, Showing Up for Racial Justice. Hosted by Keron Blair, New Georgia Project.

Sponsored by New Georgia Alliance, Seed the Vote, SURJ, lack Voters Matter Fund, The State Power Caucus, and Convergence
July 29 on zoom and facebook live, watch/listen to the recording here

Massachusetts Focus: How Grassroots Organizing Wins Elections 

Speakers: Co-Editor Linda Burnham; Jacob Swenson-Lengyel, Pennsylvania Stands Up;  Rafael Návar, co-founder of Mijente; Respondents: Vanessa Snow, MassVOTE; Rand Wilson, SEIU 888; Beth Huang, Mass Voter Table; Moderated by Elvis Méndez, Neighbor to Neighbor. 

Sponsored by Massachusetts Peace Action; Progressive Democrats of America; Our Revolution Massachusetts; Cape Cod Democratic Socialists of America; Convergence, Liberation Road. 

July 14 on zoom, watch/listen to the session here.

The Right Won by Playing the Long Game – What Is the Left’s Response?

Power Concedes Nothing Co-Editors Linda Burnham and Max Elbaum speaking on the Marc Steiner Show on the Real News Network June 21.

Listen to the podcast or read the transcript here.

Focus on the South 

Speakers: Andrea Mercado, Florida Rising; Nsé Ufot, New Georgia Project; Jon Liss, New Virginia Majority. Moderated by Maria Poblet, Grassroots Power Project, and Margie del Castillo, State Power Caucus.

June 1 on zoom, facebook and youtube, sponsored by Convergence and the State Power Caucus

Watch/listen to the session here.

The Road to a New Texas 

Organizers discuss lessons from the work of the Gulf Coast Labor Council. 

Speakers: Hany Khalil, Executive Director of the Gulf Coast Labor Council, AFL-CIO; Lorraine Montemayor, Texas AFL-CIO; Kristie Shackelford, IATSE 896; Facilitator: Kristian Hernandez.
May 19 on facebook live, zoom and youtube, sponsored by Convergence

Watch/listen to the session here.

Power Concedes Nothing: A Talk with Book Contributors

Speakers: Maurice Mitchell, Working Families Party;  Stephanie Greenlea, UNITE HERE; Rose Mendelsohn, Seed the Vote, facilitated by Alex Han, Convergence 

May 4 on zoom and facebook live, sponsored by Convergence, the Working Families Party, UNITE HERE and Seed the Vote

Watch/listen to the session here.

Power Concedes Nothing: Grassroots Organizing Can Win the 2022 Midterms

Speakers: Co-Editor Max Elbaum; Responses by veteran activists Jamala Rogers and Jay Jurie

April 25 on zoom, sponsored by the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism and Convergence 

Watch/listen to the session here

New York City Book Launch – In-Person and Livestream

Speakers: Co-Editor Linda Burnham and Deepak Pateriya, author of the chapter “Win Justice and Beyond: Winning Elections While Building Power for the Long Term”

April 14 in person and livestream sponsored by The People’s Forum

Watch/listen to the session here

Grassroots Organizing and Winning Elections: Understanding Politics in Tense Historic Conditions – In-Person and Recorded

Speaker: David Duhalde, author of the chapter “Democratic Socialists and the US Presidency in the Neoliberal Era”

March 28 in person at Brandeis University, sponsored by theEli J. & Phyllis N. Segal Citizen Leadership Program

Watch/listen to the session here.

Power Concedes Nothing Virtual Book Launch

Speakers: Co-Editors Linda Burnham, Max Elbaum and María Poblet
March 17 on zoom, sponsored by Solidaire Action and the Democracy Alliance.

Power Concedes Nothing: Progressive Electoral Organizing 

Speakers: Co-Editors Linda Burnham and Max Elbaum

February 27 on zoom, sponsored by Voices for New Democracy

Watch/listen to the discussion here.